Running An Online Shop? Here Are 5 Tips For Going Global

Running An Online Shop? Here Are 5 Tips For Going Global
E-commerce Sep 19, 2018

Now that you have a successful online shop, thinking about growth seems natural. Fortunately, thanks to the internet and the digital economy, you have a chance to take your online shop to the world. In other words, you have almost unlimited opportunities.

Of course, expanding globally might sound easy. In practice, however, you can expect to face many new challenges along the way. Use the following tips to get started.

1. Stay Consistent

Although every global market has unique characteristics, they also have similarities. This means that, right now, you have much of the knowledge and experience needed to operate a global venture.

For example, you will still need to put customers first. Plan on adapting your products and services to meet the needs of different types of people. Similarly, you can adapt your marketing tactics to meet the needs of each local market you enter.

2. Engage on Social

A global business requires a global marketing plan. You will have to identify and engage new target markets in ways that build relationships and deliver value. For this reason, you should plan on expanding your use of social media for marketing.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world log in to their favorite social networks every day. So, you can assume that you have millions of potential customers lurking about, just waiting for you to connect with them.

3. Maintain Your Base

Your focus on global growth may distract you from your present market and customers. Such losses can counter any gains and impede your progress. Don’t let this happen. Instead, build on your previous accomplishments.

Selling to existing customers costs less than acquiring new ones. For this reason, you need to add to your customer base rather than replace one set of customers with another. As a result, your business will become more profitable as it expands.

4. Get New Tools

Right now, you might manage your online shop with spreadsheets and other manual tools. As your business grows into new markets, you will need to manage compliance with new sets of laws and regulations.

Additionally, you will have more contacts, leads, and customers to manage, along with more marketing channels. Fortunately, you can choose from a variety of software tools that can provide new storage options, automate your sales and offer new marketing strategies.

5. Expand Your Team

Your decision to go global will put new demands on your human resources. Additionally, you may discover that you also need new knowledge and skills to achieve your goals. Rather than stretching yourself too thin, get help.

If you can’t afford to recruit and hire employees, consider building a marketing team of freelancers. These talented remote workers expand your capabilities at a reasonable price without increasing your overhead.

In summary, taking your online shop global requires that you continue doing the same things that have led to your success. Continue to research your markets and plan your strategies. Use social media to bridge geographic and cultural gaps and get the tools and the human resources needed convert your vision into reality.

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Eric Gordon

Eric Gordon is a business-focused marketing professional based in Houston. His mission in life is to help his clients get quality and consistent leads using the latest online marketing and SEO strategies. In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf and watching sports. Follow him on Twitter @ericdavidgordon.

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