Beginner’s Guide To Successful Automated Marketing Messages

Beginner’s Guide To Successful Automated Marketing Messages

If you’re on your way to becoming an amazing online marketer, marketing automation cannot be avoided. Automated social media messages and email marketing is still one of the most effective channels for marketing your business today. However, we all know that at the beginning it might be overwhelming. From coming up with the right questions in the strategy phase to ensuring valuable message content, there is definitely a lot to learn. This list of the best practices will help you get the automated marketing messages right in no time.

1. Make Your Point Clear

People have little patience when it comes to long messages. Make your point quickly and clearly explain how your product or service will solve their problem.

2. Use Active Tone

To keep people engaged, use an active tone in your messages and encourage the readers to the action you want them to take, either it’s reading your blog post or downloading an e-book.

3. Don’t Forget About The Conversion Funnel

Your message has to be tailored according to where the recipient is in the conversion funnel. People who have just heard about your company should receive introductory messages while the ones further down in the conversion funnel can be approached with more promotional content.

4. Don’t Look Like A Spam

Don’t give the receiver an impression that your message is a spam. Avoid using all capital letters, colored text, too many links, and remember to provide an unsubscribe option in all messages. To check your message for spam trigger words use one of these content filtering tools:

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Linda Vecvagare

Linda Vecvagare is a marketing expert at Mediaplans digital agency with 5 years of experience in the communications industry. She has a proven track record of creating and managing content to build relationships for organizations in the fields of technology, education, trade and services.

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